Results for 'Nicolai D. Ayasse'

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  1.  19
    The Two Sides of Linguistic Context: Eye-Tracking as a Measure of Semantic Competition in Spoken Word Recognition Among Younger and Older Adults.Nicolai D. Ayasse & Arthur Wingfield - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  2.  14
    The Principle of Least Effort and Comprehension of Spoken Sentences by Younger and Older Adults.Nicolai D. Ayasse, Alana J. Hodson & Arthur Wingfield - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There is considerable evidence that listeners’ understanding of a spoken sentence need not always follow from a full analysis of the words and syntax of the utterance. Rather, listeners may instead conduct a superficial analysis, sampling some words and using presumed plausibility to arrive at an understanding of the sentence meaning. Because this latter strategy occurs more often for sentences with complex syntax that place a heavier processing burden on the listener than sentences with simpler syntax, shallow processing may represent (...)
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  3. Ontologia dei valori, ed. by G. D'Anna, transl. by N. Moro.Nicolai Hartmann, Giuseppe D'Anna & Nadia Moro - 2011 - Morcelliana.
  4. Job Motivation and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction Among Accountants.Arianna Dacanay, Giannah D. V. Gonzales, Carl Xaviery A. Baldonado, Nicolai Renz S. P. Guballa, Hanz S. Marquez, Hazel Anne M. Domingo, Kyle Gian S. Diaz, Denise Iresh S. Catolico, Edward Gabriel Gotis & Jhoselle tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):412-418.
    Job motivation remains an area of concern among researchers due to the rising issues of poor or lack of motivation among workers. This refers to one’s personal will or drives to perform a task at work. Meanwhile, job satisfaction refers to an employee’s sense of fulfillment with his or her work experience. Therefore, the current study utilized the descriptive- correlational research design to investigate the impact of job motivation on the job satisfaction of accountants. To gather essential data and achieve (...)
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    Les principes d'une métaphysique de la connaissance.Nicolai Hartmann & Raymond Vancourt - 1945 - Paris,: Aubier. Edited by Vancourt, Raymond & [From Old Catalog].
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    Al-suhrawardī on mirror vision and suspended images.Nicolai Sinai - 2015 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 25 (2):279-297.
    RésuméL'idée d'un “monde des images” situé quelque part entre les mondes immatériel et matériel est un pivot de la spéculation eschatologique dans l'Islam médiéval tardif. Comme cela a déjà été reconnu, le concept a été inauguré par al-Suhrawardī. Cependant, ses fondements plus proprement philosophiques et en particulier la notion d'images “suspendues” – des images dotées d'un statut en quelque manière objectif plutôt que purement mental ou subjectif – méritent d’être davantage clarifiés; et c'est ce que cet article entend faire. Puisque (...)
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    La traversée de l'empirique: essai d'épistémologie sur la construction des représentations de l'évolution des langues.Robert Nicolaï - 2000 - Paris: Ophrys.
  8.  6
    Parcours sémiotiques, ou, Les mots des hommes: une anthropologie langagière.Robert Nicolaï - 2019 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce volume questionne les dynamiques de mise en signification que nous actualisons et la façon dont nous construisons nos représentations et élaborons nos théories. L'approche est structurée en trois "parcours" : Partant d'une saisie empirique de terrain, le premier parcours prend l'objet d'étude morphosémantique du lexique. Le deuxième met en contrepoint deux cadres théoriques, qui, partis de bases non commensurables, concernent nos procès de mise en signification et d'élaboration du sens.0Parvenu à ce stade, l'ouvrage dégage une perspective nouvelle d'analyse en (...)
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  9. Ethics. By C. D. Burns. [REVIEW]Nicolai Hartmann - 1932 - International Journal of Ethics 43:218.
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    Vivre, pour vivre ensemble.Jean-Paul Nicolaï - 2023 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 14 (2):134-152.
    Selon Paul Ricœur, « l’anthropologie est devenue une tâche urgente de la pensée contemporaine ». Celle qu’il élabore dans l’ensemble de son œuvre repose sur sa phénoménologie herméneutique (dont l’originalité tient notamment à l’héritage qui lui vient de la philosophie réflexive), au point que cette dernière suffit selon nous à en dessiner les grandes lignes. Elle permet de doter le monde de régularités qui le rendent habitable et de doter chaque homme d’un soi. Elle prend aussi à bras le corps (...)
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    Cognition and Motivation in the Theory of the Firm: Interaction or "Never the Twain Shall Meet"?Nicolai J. Foss - 2004 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 14 (1).
    Economics in general, and the theory of the firm more specifically, places motivation and cognition in very different analytical boxes, in spite of cognitive science evidence that the boundaries between the two are in reality blurred. While this analytical assumption has often served the theory of the firm well, a number of organizational phenomena are better understood if cognition and motivation are allowed to interact, for example, through framing effects, as organizational scholars have long argued. The paper exemplifies by developing (...)
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    Measuring Perceived Research Competence of Junior Researchers.Sarah A. Marrs, Carla Quesada-Pallarès, Korinthia D. Nicolai, Elizabeth A. Severson-Irby & J. Reinaldo Martínez-Fernández - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Graduates of doctoral programs are expected to be competent at designing and conducting research independently. Given the level of research competence needed to successfully conduct research, it is important that assessors of doctoral programs have a reliable and validated tool for measuring and tracking perceived research competence among their students and graduates. A high level of research competence is expected for all Ph.D. graduates worldwide, in addition to in all disciplines/fields. Moreover, graduates of Ph.D. programs may complete their studies in (...)
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  13. A Diamond-Based Electrode for Detection of Neurochemicals in the Human Brain.Kevin E. Bennet, Jonathan R. Tomshine, Hoon-Ki Min, Felicia S. Manciu, Michael P. Marsh, Seungleal B. Paek, Megan L. Settell, Evan N. Nicolai, Charles D. Blaha, Abbas Z. Kouzani, Su-Youne Chang & Kendall H. Lee - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  14.  20
    Lived Ontologies.Nicolai Von Eggers - 2020 - Symposium 24 (2):100-123.
    In this article, I analyze the relation between ontology and practical philosophy in Cicero’s work and the role Hellenistic philosophy plays within the work of Giorgio Agamben. I discuss the relation between life and ontology, between philosophy as a guide to living and philosophy as the study of being. Unlike philosophers who treat Hellenistic philosophy as a form of therapy, I show how Agamben interprets Hellenistic philosophy as oppressive by turning the theory of being into an injunction of having-to-be. For (...)
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    Heterogeneous Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Organization.Sandra K. Klein, Peter G. Klein, Nicolai Foss & Kirsten Foss - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (1).
    One of Israel Kirzner’s less wellknown contributions is to the theory of capital. In this paper, we link the Austrian theory of capital and the theory of economic organization. Our starting point is the key Austrian notion of capital heterogeneity which we interpret in terms of attributes. Most capital assets are multi-attribute in nature, and many attributes may not be known to entrepreneurs. This fosters a need for experimenting with capital combinations. Because there are costs of measuring attributes, this process (...)
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    Nicolai Hartmann: dal conoscere all'essere.Giuseppe D'Anna - 2009 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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    Realismi: Nicolai Hartmann "al di là" di realismo e idealismo.Giuseppe D'Anna - 2013 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  18.  13
    Fundamentación ontológica del mundo virtual a partir de la filosofía de Nicolaï Hartmann.Alvaro Alberto Molina D'Jesús - 2021 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 31:237-263.
    En el siguiente artículo se presenta una investigación filosófica acerca de la conformación ontológica delmundo virtual. Esta es un aporte teórico al debate contemporáneo de la filosofía de la computación sobrela caracterización ontológica de la computación digital y sus productos emergentes, ya que se propone unaaproximación a este campo de estudio desde la perspectiva filosófica de Nicolaï Hartmann. El objetivo principal del presente artículo es explicar la estratificación del mundo virtual a partir de la teoría ontológica de estratos y categorías (...)
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  19. Professor Nicolai Hartmann's concept of objective spirit.H. D. Oakeley - 1935 - Mind 44 (173):39-57.
  20.  73
    On the Correlativistic Construction of the Other. For an Analytical Anti-Spectacular Interculturalism: Nicolai Hartmann, György Lukács and Guy Debord.Giuseppe D’Anna - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):51-61.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology Jahrgang: 8 Heft: 2 Seiten: 51-61.
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  21. Giuseppe D'Anna, Nicolai Hartmann. Dal conoscere all'essere.Nadia Merlo Fiorillo - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (2):368.
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    Nicolai Hartmann et Georg Lukács.Nicolas Tertulian - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):663-698.
    La rencontre entre la philosophie de Lukács et la pensée ontologique de Nicolai Hartmann est un sujet rarement abordé dans l’historiographie philosophique. Le contact avec les grands travaux ontologiques de Hartmann a joué pourtant un rôle décisif dansla genèse de l’Ontologie de l’être social, l’ouvrage qui a couronné le long parcours intellectuel et politique de Lukács. Le texte se propose d’éclaircir l’affinité profonde qui se fait jour entre deux pensées que tout semblait séparer. Hartmann cultivait la philosophia perennis, élevée (...)
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  23. D. Thomae Aquinatis Commentaria in Parua Naturalia Aristotelis Ex Veteri Translatione, & Noua Nicolai Leoniceni. Petri Vero de Alvernia Ordinis Praedicatorum, in Reliqua Eorundem Expositio. Duo Quoque Indices Appositi Sunt.Niccolò Thomas, Aristotle, Heredi di Girolamo Scotto, Leoniceno & Peire - 1588 - Apud Hæedem Hieronymi Scoti.
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    Von der Systemphilosophie zur systematischen Philosophie - Nicolai Hartmann.Gerald Hartung, Matthias Wunsch & Claudius Strube (eds.) - 2012 - De Gruyter.
    Nicolai Hartmann hat philosophische Studien zur Erkenntnistheorie, Ontologie, Ethik, Philosophie des Geistes und Naturphilosophie geschrieben. Die Beiträge des Bandes gehen davon aus, dass seine Arbeit auf all diesen Feldern im Zeichen der Verabschiedung der Systemphilosophie sowie der Begründung einer Konzeption systematischen Philosophierens steht. Im Zentrum von Hartmanns Denken steht das "Kategorienproblem", d. i. die Frage nach den elementaren Strukturen der Wirklichkeit und der menschlichen Erkenntnis. In seinem Bezug auf die philosophische Tradition und seiner Hinwendung zu den Natur- und Sozialwissenschaften (...)
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  25.  22
    Phénoménologie et Criticisme (Une confrontation entre les deux courants dans la philosophie d'Émile Lask et de Nicolaï Hartmann).Georges Gurvitch - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 108:235 - 284.
  26.  39
    "Philosophie et mathematique chez Proclus [et] Principes philosophiques des mathematiques d'apres le Commentaire de Proclus aux deux premiers livres des Elements d'Euclide," by Stanislas Breton and Nicolaï Hartmann. [REVIEW]Leo Sweeney - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (3):318-319.
  27. Mediale Strukturen der Lebenswelt.Ruth Ayass - 2010 - In Michael Staudigl, Alfred Schütz und die Hermeneutik. Konstanz: UVK. pp. 285--308.
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    Gerhard Krüger et Heidegger.Jean Grondin - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74 (1):109-127.
    D’abord formé par Nicolai Hartman et Rudolf Bultmann, Gerhard Krüger (1902- 1972) fut l’un des élèves les plus doués de Heidegger. Il a suivi d’un œil critique et avisé les soubresauts de sa pensée. S’il fut séduit par la résurrection de la question de l’être et celle de la métaphysique chez Heidegger, comme par sa critique du sujet moderne, c’est une tout autre conception de l’être, de la métaphysique et de l’existence humaine qu’il lui opposait. Il le fit notamment (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  30.  15
    Nicolai Hartmann und Heinz Heimsoeth im Briefwechsel.Nicolai Hartmann - 1978 - Bonn: Bouvier. Edited by Heinz Heimsoeth, Frida Hartmann & Renate Heimsoeth.
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  31. L'etica del Novecento. Dopo Nietzsche.Sergio Cremaschi - 2005 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    TWENTIETH-CENTURY ETHICS. AFTER NIETZSCHE -/- Preface This book tells the story of twentieth-century ethics or, in more detail, it reconstructs the history of a discussion on the foundations of ethics which had a start with Nietzsche and Sidgwick, the leading proponents of late-nineteenth-century moral scepticism. During the first half of the century, the prevailing trends tended to exclude the possibility of normative ethics. On the Continent, the trend was to transform ethics into a philosophy of existence whose self-appointed task was (...)
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    Gegensätzlichkeit und wirklichkeit.K. Miescher - 1955 - Dialectica 9 (3‐4):305-340.
    ZusammenfassungBeim Versuch, ein natürliches System der Wirklichkeit zu entwerfen, wird von der Vorstellung eines Schichtenbaus und von der kategorialen Erkenntnisweise im Sinne Nicolai Hartmanns ausgegangen. Dabei erweist sich einmal mehr die grundlegende Bedeutung der Gegensätzlichkeit in ihren verschiedenen Erscheinungsweisen. Insbesondere ist die Erfassung der Gesamtwirklichkeit nur unter einem Doppelaspekt möglich. Der diskursiv‐luminose Aspekt einer vierfach geschichteten, vieldimensionalen und raumzeitlich aufgespaltenen Wirklichkeit steht dem intuitiv‐numinosen Aspekt mit seiner schöpferischen, dem Raumzeitlichen entrückten Einheitsschau komplementär gegenüber. Erst beide Aspekte umfassen gemeinsam das (...)
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  33. The Poetry of Nachoem M. Wijnberg.Vincent W. J. Van Gerven Oei - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):129-135.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 129-135. Introduction Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei Successions of words are so agreeable. It is about this. —Gertrude Stein Nachoem Wijnberg (1961) is a Dutch poet and novelist. He also a professor of cultural entrepreneurship and management at the Business School of the University of Amsterdam. Since 1989, he has published thirteen volumes of poetry and four novels, which, in my opinion mark a high point in Dutch contemporary literature. His novels even more than his poetry are (...)
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  34. Shared action: An existential phenomenological account.Nicolai Knudsen - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):63-83.
    Drawing on recent phenomenological discussions of collective intentionality and existential phenomenological accounts of agency, this article proposes a novel interpretation of shared action. First, I argue that we should understand action on the basis of how an environment pre-reflectively solicits agents to behave based on (a) the affordances or goals inflected by their abilities and dispositions and (b) their self-referential commitment to a project that is furthered by these affordances. Second, I show that this definition of action is sufficiently flexible (...)
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  35.  9
    Kleinere Schriften. Band 1: Abhandlungen zur systematischen Philosophie.Nicolai Hartmann - 2022 - Berlin,: De Gruyter.
    Bd. 1. Abhandlungen zur systematischen Philosophie.--Bd. 2. Abhandlungen zur Philosophie-Geschichte.--Bd. 3. Vom Neukantianismus zur Ontologie.
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  36. Ontology: Laying the Foundations.Nicolai Hartmann - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Keith R. Peterson.
    It is no exaggeration to say that of the early 20th century German philosophers who claimed to establish a new ontology, former neo-Kantian turned realist Nicolai Hartmann is the only one to have actually followed through. "Ontology: Laying the Foundations" deals with "what is insofar as it is," and its four parts tackle traditional ontological assumptions and prejudices and traditional categories such as substance, thing, individual, whole, object, and phenomenon; a novel redefinition of existence and essence in terms of (...)
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    Nicolai Hartmann, 1882-1982: mit einer Einleitung von Josef Stallmach und einer Bibliographie der seit 1964 über Hartmann erschienenen Arbeiten.Nicolai Hartmann & Alois Johannes Buch (eds.) - 1982 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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    Symposium zum Gedenken an Nicolai Hartmann (1882-1950) : Direcktor des Philosophischen Seminars der Universität Göttingen, 1946-1960.Nicolai Hartmann & Günther Patzig - 1982
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    Principles for Object-Linguistic Consequence: from Logical to Irreflexive.Carlo Nicolai & Lorenzo Rossi - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (3):549-577.
    We discuss the principles for a primitive, object-linguistic notion of consequence proposed by ) that yield a version of Curry’s paradox. We propose and study several strategies to weaken these principles and overcome paradox: all these strategies are based on the intuition that the object-linguistic consequence predicate internalizes whichever meta-linguistic notion of consequence we accept in the first place. To these solutions will correspond different conceptions of consequence. In one possible reading of these principles, they give rise to a notion (...)
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  40.  31
    Neue Wege der Ontologie.Nicolai Hartmann (ed.) - 1964 - Berlin und Leipzig,: W. Kohlhammer.
    This title from the De Gruyter Book Archive has been digitized in order to make it available for academic research. It was originally published under National Socialism and has to be viewed in this historical context. Learn more. >.
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  41.  37
    Teleologisches Denken.Nicolai Hartmann - 1951 - Berlin,: De Gruyter.
    "Nicolai Hartman ist zu Unrecht vergessen. Wir benötigen eine breite systematische Neubeschäftigung mit seinem großen Entwurf eines realistischen Weltsystems. Im Zeichen der lebenswissenschaftlichen Wende kann man mit seiner überlegenen Darstellung der Teleologie einen Anfang machen." Prof. Dr. Volker Gerhardt, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
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  42.  41
    Aesthetics.Nicolai Hartmann - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Eugene Kelly.
    The book is the first English translation of Nicolai Hartmann's seminal book which addresses all philosophical questions of the arts. It will be of value to graduate students in philosophy, scholars concerned with 20th century Continental philosophy, students of aesthetics and art history and criticism, and persons in and out of academic philosophy who wish to develop their aesthetic understanding and responsiveness to art and music.
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  43. Groups and Second-Person Competence.Nicolai Knudsen - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Some moral philosophers argue that we hold others and ourselves morally responsible for acting on second-personal reasons. This article connects this idea with the emerging literature on the moral responsibility of groups by exploring in which sense, if any, groups can be held accountable for acting on second-personal reasons. On the developed view, groups are second-personally competent if and only if they possess capacities for sympathy, acting on that sympathy, and related self-reactive attitudes. Focusing especially on loosely structured groups without (...)
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    Provably True Sentences Across Axiomatizations of Kripke’s Theory of Truth.Carlo Nicolai - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (1):101-130.
    We study the relationships between two clusters of axiomatizations of Kripke’s fixed-point models for languages containing a self-applicable truth predicate. The first cluster is represented by what we will call ‘\-like’ theories, originating in recent work by Halbach and Horsten, whose axioms and rules are all valid in fixed-point models; the second by ‘\-like’ theories first introduced by Solomon Feferman, that lose this property but reflect the classicality of the metatheory in which Kripke’s construction is carried out. We show that (...)
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  45.  27
    Die Erkenntnis im Lichte der Ontologie.Nicolai Hartmann - 1982 - Philosophische Bibliothek.
    Hartmann sah die Aufgabe der Philosophie nicht in der Überwindung, sondern in der kritischen Reformulierung der klassischen ontologischen Fragestellungen. In dem knappen, ausgereiften Traktat von 1949 umreißt er in dichter Zusammenschau noch einmal die Kerngedanken seines Versuchs einer neuen Grundlegung der Ontologie.
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  46. Fix, Express, Quantify: Disquotation After Its Logic.Carlo Nicolai - 2021 - Mind 130 (519):727-757.
    Truth-theoretic deflationism holds that truth is simple, and yet that it can fulfil many useful logico-linguistic roles. Deflationism focuses on axioms for truth: there is no reduction of the notion of truth to more fundamental ones such as sets or higher-order quantifiers. In this paper I argue that the fundamental properties of reasonable, primitive truth predicates are at odds with the core tenets of classical truth-theoretic deflationism that I call fix, express, and quantify. Truth may be regarded as a broadly (...)
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    (2 other versions)Grundzüge einer Metaphysik der Erkenntnis.Nicolai Hartmann - 1921 - Berlin,: De Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Grundzüge einer Metaphysik der Erkenntnis" verfügbar.
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    (1 other version)Dream of Recapture.Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):445-450.
    As a response to the semantic and logical paradoxes, theorists often reject some principles of classical logic. However, classical logic is entangled with mathematics, and giving up mathematics is too high a price to pay, even for nonclassical theorists. The so-called recapture theorems come to the rescue. When reasoning with concepts such as truth/class membership/property instantiation, (These are examples of concepts that are taken to satisfy naive rules such as the naive truth schema and naive comprehension, and that therefore are (...)
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    Philosophische Grundfragen der Biologie (Classic Reprint).Nicolai Hartmann - 2017 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Philosophische Grundfragen der Biologie Sichtbarfeit fehr balb an einer beftimmten 03ren3e, ohne baß wir fagen tonnten, baß wir bie legten Strulturelemente burch fie erbracht hätten. Das Sormproblem erftrecft fich offenbar weiter, als wir es 3urucfverfolgen tönnen. Die Kleinheit ber (elemente fchiebt unferer Beobachtung ben Riegel vor. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology (...)
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    Das Problem des geistigen seins.Nicolai Hartmann - 1933 - Leipzig,: W. de Gruyter & co..
    This title from the De Gruyter Book Archive has been digitized in order to make it available for academic research. It was originally published under National Socialism and has to be viewed in this historical context. Learn more. >.
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